Young women’s gynaecology

The Young Women’s Gynaecology clinic is specially designed to cater for the needs of young women (under 19).

Health issues treated

Gynaecological disorders such as heavy, painful or irregular periods, ovarian cysts, pelvic pain and any other gynaecological issue affecting a young woman. We also help women with special needs with their gynaecological care.

What we do

The Young Women’s Gynaecology clinic assesses the problem, and orders tests and treatment where appropriate.

Information for patients

The Young Women’s Gynaecology clinic provides an approachable and confidential service. Patients are given the opportunity to see the gynaecologist alone as well as with caregivers. We attempt to make sure that you will be seen by the same doctor (called “continuity of care”) but this will not always be possible.


You will need a referral from your doctor

What to bring

  • A referral from a doctor/GP
  • Your Medicare card
  • Your Health Care card