
We provide medicines and medicines information to patients, carers and other healthcare professionals in a timely manner. 

Pharmacy is dedicated to providing quality use of medicines via the following services:

  • In-patient clinical pharmacy service
  • Outpatient pharmacy service
  • Medicines information including: medicine specific genetic counselling and publications.
  • Quality use of medicines including adverse drug reaction reporting and antimicrobial stewardship
  • Research, teaching and clinical trials services

Information for patients

You are advised to bring all your medicines with you, including medicines bought from your local pharmacy, supermarket or health food store.

To ensure the safe and effective use of medicines, pharmacists may need to ask you questions, such as:

  • Do you have any allergies to any medicines?
  • Do you take any regular medicines, including eye drops, ear drops, nasal sprays, inhalers, tablets under the tongue, patches, creams or ointments, injections, pessaries, suppositories, over-the-counter medicines, vitamins or herbal medicines? 
  • Have you recently stopped using any medicines?
  • How far along is your pregnancy if you are pregnant?
  • How old is your baby if you are breastfeeding?

Pharmacy can provide written information to patients, such as consumer medicine information leaflets and discharge medicines lists.

If you have any concerns or have experienced any unexpected or troublesome side effects from your medicines, let your pharmacist, nurse or doctor know.

You will not be charged for your medicines supplied to you as an inpatient.

When you are discharged from the hospital, or during your outpatient clinic appointment, the doctor or nurse practitioner may write you a prescription, which may be obtained from the Pharmacy Department. 

What to bring

  • Your prescription
  • Your Medicare card
  • Your Health Care Card, Pension card or safety net card (if you have one)