Weight management

Many women experience weight gain and shape changes in midlife.

These changes can affect body image and self-esteem. Often more fat is deposited in the abdomen and trunk, causing ‘middle-aged spread’ or ‘spare tyres’.

What can you do about it?

Exercise is very helpful in healthy weight maintenance, particularly sustained exercise that elevates your heart rate without puffing you out, such as brisk walking, dancing, swimming or other sports. Thirty minutes of exercise daily can help prevent weight gain and maintain general health, but this may need to be increased to 45 to 60 minutes if you need to lose weight.

Regular meals help maintain energy levels and reduce the temptation to snack on unhealthy foods. Eat a sustaining breakfast, and lunches and dinners that include protein, carbohydrate and vegetables or salad.

Be aware of why you are eating. Recognise ‘non-hungry’ eating and find other strategies to deal with boredom or stress such as going for a walk, taking a break or meditating.


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