One of the Women’s most experienced women’s health experts has been recognised by the Governor General for significant service to women’s reproductive health in Australia.
Leading expert in women’s health and a well-known advocate for reproductive rights, Dr Patricia (Paddy) Moore, has been appointed an Honorary Member in the General Division of the Order of Australia.
A gynaecologist and obstetrician by training, Dr Moore has spent more than 30 years working tirelessly to improve health services and access to care for women and girls.
Dr Moore heads the Early Pregnancy Assessment Service and Abortion and Contraception Service at The Royal Women’s Hospital, the largest public provider of abortion services in Victoria.
She also leads the state-wide Clinical Champions project, training clinicians across Victoria to support access and availability of abortion and contraception services.
Through this, she ensures women, girls and pregnant people can exercise their reproductive rights and control their fertility choices.
Dr Moore has also been responsible for establishing and running antenatal, postnatal and gynaecological services for women with complex needs including:
- young mothers
- women with intellectual and physical disabilities
- survivors of sexual assault, and
- women experiencing drug dependency and psychiatric comorbidity.
She has successfully developed models to decentralise provision of abortion care in Victoria and increase the capacity of local doctors and regional health services to provide abortions and contraception services to local women, girls and pregnant people.
"Suprised and humbled"
On hearing about her appointment, Dr Moore said she was surprised and humbled by the news.
“I was very surprised to receive official notification of this award.
"My passion and commitment to protecting and progressing women’s reproductive rights is part of who I am and strengthened by the many hundreds and thousands of people who are also committed to this cause,” Dr Moore said.
“Removing the barriers to what is a fundamental healthcare right and a legal service, that is – safe, timely and effective sexual and reproductive care - is critical for any democratic and well-functioning community.”
This is not the first time Dr Moore has been recognised for her work, in 2020, she was recognised for her contribution to Victoria when she was inducted into the Victorian Honour Roll of Women.