Women’s cancers

We specialise in the treatment and research of cancers that affect women: breast, ovarian, cervical and endometrial cancers.

The Women’s specialises in the treatment and research of women's cancers: breast cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, endometrial and gynaecological cancers.

Women undergoing treatment for cancer can have difficult decisions to make and experience many issues for which they need support. The Women’s provides an intimate, specialised and supportive environment for women. We consider a woman’s journey in the context of her life and the many decisions and adjustments that she may face along the way.

We offer an extensive support network provided by a multidisciplinary team which includes nursing and medical staff, dieticians, pharmacists, physiotherapists, psychologists, social workers, sexual counsellors and spiritual care workers. Our patients receive best-practice treatment as well as the option of participating in the latest clinical trials.

As a centre of excellence, our services include major and minor surgery, oncology and dysplasia outpatient clinics as well as leadership of a number of significant research projects to improve outcomes for women with cancer.

Surviving cancer creates a unique set of health issues for women; fertility preservation, sex after cancer, breast reconstruction (or the decision not to) and early menopause after treatment to name a few. The Women’s is committed to developing programs to support women’s health and wellbeing following their cancer treatment.