Clinical guidelines

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Our clinical guidelines present statements of best practice based on thorough evaluation of evidence.

Access the Clinical Guidelines below.

A short and concise statement that sets out the Women’s official position on an aspect of the organisation’s activities. Includes a directive policy statement that articulates how the Women’s will implement legislative, regulatory, best practice, contractual or operational requirements.

A more fulsome statement that directs consistent practice by providing the minimum standard required to meet the Policy requirements.

Detailed mandatory direction as to how the Policy and Framework will actually be implemented into the Women’s operating environment. Provides staff with the necessary guidance to achieve the policy outcomes.

Systematically developed, evidence-based statements to assist decision-making in a defined area.

May means the action is optional.

Should means the action is recommended but is not mandatory.

Must means it is a mandatory instruction and there is a penalty if the action is not carried out.

Abortion or Miscarriage - Management of Presentation following Medical or Surgical Abortion or Miscarriage
Abortion medical management to 9 weeks of pregnancy - Guideline
Abortion: principles of assessment and care - Guideline
Antenatal care schedule - hospital-led care - Guideline
Standard antenatal check - Guideline
Aseptic technique - Procedure
Assessment and management of babies with tongue-tie - Guideline
Bariatric care - Guideline
Bladder management - intrapartum and postpartum (including trial of void) - Guideline
Breech - management of - Guideline
Cord prolapse - Guideline
Cardiotocograph (CTG) interpretation and response - Guideline
Deinfibulation timing and technique - Guideline
Developmental care in NICU - Guideline
​​​​​​​Diabetes Mellitus: management of gestational diabetes - Guideline
​​​​​​​Diabetes Mellitus: management of pre-existing diabetes mellitus in pregnancy - Guideline
Drug and alcohol - alcohol withdrawal management - Guideline
Drug and alcohol – Analgesia post caesarean birth for women with substance dependence - Guideline
​​​​​​​Drug and alcohol – Management of methamphetamine dependence in pregnancy - Guideline
Drug and alcohol - Methadone stabilisation in pregnancy - Guideline
Drug and alcohol - care of the alcohol and other drug affected infant - Guideline
Ectopic pregnancy management - Guideline
Female Genital Mutilation cutting - Guideline for care
​​​​​​​Fetal blood sampling - Guideline
Folate in pregnancy - Guideline
GBS Colonisation: antenatal/intrapartum strategies to prevent early-onset neonatal sepsis - Guideline
Hand Hygiene - Guideline
Health care worker (pregnant) - Infectious diseases risks and exposure - Guideline
​​​​​​​Heparin Therapeutic Unfractionated Heparin (UFH) infusion - Procedure
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) - Maternal and neonatal care - Guideline
Hyperglycemia management of preterm infants in NICU - Guideline
Hyperkalaemia management of non-oliguric hyperkalaemia in the preterm infant - Guideline
Hypertension - management of acute - Guideline
Hypoglycaemia - newborn management - Guideline
​​​​​​​Identifying and responding to family violence - Procedure
Implanon NXT - Guideline
Infant feeding - breast and nipple thrush - Guideline
Infant feeding - breastfeeding the healthy term baby - Guideline
Infant feeding - management of low breast milk supply - Guideline
Infant feeding - mastitis and breast abscess - Guideline
Infant feeding - nipple and breast pain in lactation - Guideline
Infant feeding - nipple eczema dermatitis - Guideline
Intrauterine devices - Guideline
Iron deficiency - management in maternity and gynaecology patients - Guideline
Jaundice (hyperbilirubinaemia) in preterm babies <35weeks gestation - Guideline
Jaundice (hyperbilirubinaemia) in newborn babies ≥35 weeks gestation - Guideline
Jaundice - phototherapy at home - Guideline
​​​​​​​Jaundice - transcutaneous bilirubinometry - Procedure
Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH) - Guideline
Magnesium sulphate - management of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy - Guideline
Magnesium sulphate - neuroprotection of preterm infants - Guideline
​​​​​​​Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in the newborn - Guideline
Miscarriage: Management - Guideline
Multi Resistant Organism (MRO) - Procedure
​​​​​​​Multiple pregnancy - interval birth delivery - Guideline
Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy - Guideline
Next birth after caesarean (NBAC and VBAC) - antenatal management - Guideline
Pain and bleeding in early pregnancy - Guideline
Perineal trauma assessment, repair and safe practice - Guideline
Postpartum haemorrhage - Guideline
Preeclampsia management - Guideline
Red cell antibody testing - Procedure
​​​​​​​Referral to the Women's Alcohol and Drug Service (WADS) - Procedure
Responding to a patient’s request for female or specific healthcare providers - Guideline
Rupture of the Membranes - Preterm Premature (PPROM) - Guideline
​​​​​​​Safe sleeping for infants - Guideline
Shared Maternity Care credentialing and recredentialing: General Practitioners and Obstetricians - Guideline
​​​​​​​Shared Maternity Care with non-affiliated provider - Guideline
​​​​​​​Shoulder dystocia - Guideline
Supporting smoking cessation during pregnancy - Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) - Guideline
Surgical antibiotic prophylaxis - Guideline
​​​​​​​Thalassaemia and abnormal haemoglobins in pregnancy - Guideline
Third and fourth degree tears - management - Procedure
Third stage labour - management - Guideline
Tocolysis (acute) – administration of terbutaline - Procedure
Vaginal birth after caesarean - intrapartum management - Procedure
Vaginal birth - assisted or instrumental - Guideline
Vitamin B12 deficiency in pregnancy - Guideline
Vitamin D testing and management - maternity patients and newborns - Guideline
Warfarin Guideline

Date reviewed: 07 July 2024

Date reviewed: 07 July 2024