Our clinical guidelines present statements of best practice based on thorough evaluation of evidence.
Abortion or Miscarriage - Management of Presentation following Medical or Surgical Abortion or Miscarriage
Abortion medical management to 9 weeks of pregnancy - Guideline
Abortion: principles of assessment and care - Guideline
Antenatal care schedule - hospital-led care - Guideline
Standard antenatal check - Guideline
Aseptic technique - Procedure
Assessment and management of babies with tongue-tie - Guideline
Bariatric care - Guideline
Bladder management - intrapartum and postpartum (including trial of void) - Guideline
Breech - management of - Guideline
Cord prolapse - Guideline
Cardiotocograph (CTG) interpretation and response - Guideline
Deinfibulation timing and technique - Guideline
Developmental care in NICU - Guideline
Diabetes Mellitus: management of gestational diabetes - Guideline
Diabetes Mellitus: management of pre-existing diabetes mellitus in pregnancy - Guideline
Drug and alcohol - alcohol withdrawal management - Guideline
Drug and alcohol – Analgesia post caesarean birth for women with substance dependence - Guideline
Drug and alcohol – Management of methamphetamine dependence in pregnancy - Guideline
Drug and alcohol - Methadone stabilisation in pregnancy - Guideline
Drug and alcohol - care of the alcohol and other drug affected infant - Guideline
Ectopic pregnancy management - Guideline
Female Genital Mutilation cutting - Guideline for care
Fetal blood sampling - Guideline
Folate in pregnancy - Guideline
GBS Colonisation: antenatal/intrapartum strategies to prevent early-onset neonatal sepsis - Guideline
Health care worker (pregnant) - Infectious diseases risks and exposure - Guideline
Heparin Therapeutic Unfractionated Heparin (UFH) infusion - Procedure
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) - Maternal and neonatal care - Guideline
Hyperglycemia management of preterm infants in NICU - Guideline
Hyperkalaemia management of non-oliguric hyperkalaemia in the preterm infant - Guideline
Hypertension - management of acute - Guideline
Hypoglycaemia - newborn management - Guideline
Identifying and responding to family violence - Procedure
Infant feeding - breast and nipple thrush - Guideline
Infant feeding - breastfeeding the healthy term baby - Guideline
Infant feeding - management of low breast milk supply - Guideline
Infant feeding - mastitis and breast abscess - Guideline
Infant feeding - nipple and breast pain in lactation - Guideline
Infant feeding - nipple eczema dermatitis - Guideline
Intrauterine devices - Guideline
Iron deficiency - management in maternity and gynaecology patients - Guideline
Jaundice (hyperbilirubinaemia) in preterm babies <35weeks gestation - Guideline
Jaundice (hyperbilirubinaemia) in newborn babies ≥35 weeks gestation - Guideline
Jaundice - phototherapy at home - Guideline
Jaundice - transcutaneous bilirubinometry - Procedure
Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH) - Guideline
Magnesium sulphate - management of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy - Guideline
Magnesium sulphate - neuroprotection of preterm infants - Guideline
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in the newborn - Guideline
Miscarriage: Management - Guideline
Multi Resistant Organism (MRO) - Procedure
Multiple pregnancy - interval birth delivery - Guideline
Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy - Guideline
Next birth after caesarean (NBAC and VBAC) - antenatal management - Guideline
Pain and bleeding in early pregnancy - Guideline
Perineal trauma assessment, repair and safe practice - Guideline
Postpartum haemorrhage - Guideline
Preeclampsia management - Guideline
Red cell antibody testing - Procedure
Referral to the Women's Alcohol and Drug Service (WADS) - Procedure
Responding to a patient’s request for female or specific healthcare providers - Guideline
Rupture of the Membranes - Preterm Premature (PPROM) - Guideline
Safe sleeping for infants - Guideline
Shared Maternity Care credentialing and recredentialing: General Practitioners and Obstetricians - Guideline
Shared Maternity Care with non-affiliated provider - Guideline
Shoulder dystocia - Guideline
Supporting smoking cessation during pregnancy - Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) - Guideline
Surgical antibiotic prophylaxis - Guideline
Thalassaemia and abnormal haemoglobins in pregnancy - Guideline
Third and fourth degree tears - management - Procedure
Third stage labour - management - Guideline
Tocolysis (acute) – administration of terbutaline - Procedure
Vaginal birth after caesarean - intrapartum management - Procedure
Vaginal birth - assisted or instrumental - Guideline
Vitamin B12 deficiency in pregnancy - Guideline
Vitamin D testing and management - maternity patients and newborns - Guideline
Date reviewed: 07 July 2024