Designed to update the clinical skills of midwives to provide up to date, evidence-based care across the pregnancy continuum.
This program:
- supports maternity services looking to implement or expand their midwifery scope in an antenatal clinic setting.
- emphasises the importance of continuity of care, family-centred practice and shared decision-making
- aims to standardise care across an organisation.
The program includes in-depth presentations, simulations and hands-on skill stations.
Format: 2 to 3 face-to-face sessions and 1 online session.
Bookings or more information: contact our experienced Clinical Midwifery Educators to co-design a program that meets your unique needs.
Phone: (03) 8345 3920
Email: msep@thewomens.org.au
Example of topics include (but are not limited to):
- local process for consultation and referral
- standard midwifery-led antenatal appointments
- pregnancy education
- drug and alcohol screening
- pregnancy screening
- family violence screening
- dietetics
- common pregnancy complications.
Participant feedback
“This program … has created much discussion on the ward and supported the team to work toward their scope of practice. It has also given us a lot of confidence to speak up for our patients when we are planning care - a win for all, staff satisfaction in their role and patient satisfaction for their care."
Midwifery Unit Manager (Level 3 Maternity Service)
Downloads and Related Topics
Date reviewed: 24 July 2024
Date reviewed: 24 July 2024