Designed to prepare non-maternity trained or practising clinicians to manage unplanned birth and the care of women and their newborns in the immediate postnatal period.
Aids clinicians in identifying the need for referral and transfer of care to a higher capability level service.
This face-to-face workshop is interactive with the use of simulation and variety of relevant clinical skills stations.
Liaise with our experienced team to choose an agenda that suits your service’s needs.
Program inclusions:
- Normal Vaginal Birth (including third stage management)
- Neonatal Resuscitation
- Postpartum Haemorrhage
- Shoulder Dystocia
- Vaginal Breech Birth
- Referral and Transfer (process required to engage Paediatric Infant Perinatal Emergency Retrieval (PIPER), Ambulance Victoria (AV).
Recommended for registered/enrolled nurses, general practitioners, midwives, paramedics, maternal child health nurses and other clinicians as appropriate to your service.
Contact MSEP on (03) 8345 3920 or msep@thewomens.org.au for bookings and more info.