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Publications during 2018

  1. Blank, D. A., S. Badurdeen, F. Kamlin C. Omar, S. E. Jacobs, M. Thio, J. A. Dawson, S. C. Kane, A. T. Dennis, G. R. Polglase, S. B. Hooper, and P. G. Davis. 2018. 'Baby-directed umbilical cord clamping: A feasibility study', Resuscitation, 131: 1-7.
  2. Chen, S. S. M., L. Leeton, J. M. Castro, and A. T. Dennis. 2018. 'Myocardial tissue characterisation and detection of myocardial oedema by cardiovascular magnetic resonance in women with pre-eclampsia: a pilot study', Int J Obstet Anesth, 36: 56-65.
  3. Dennis, A. T. 2018a. 'Reducing Maternal Mortality in Papua New Guinea: Contextualizing Access to Safe Surgery and Anesthesia', Anesth Analg, 126: 252-59.
  4. Dennis, A. T., A. Buckley, T. Mahendrayogam, J. M. Castro, and L. Leeton. 2018. 'Echocardiographic determination of resting haemodynamics and optimal positioning in term pregnant women', Anaesthesia, 73: 1345-52.
  5. Dennis, A. T., L. Hardy, and L. Leeton. 2018. 'The prone position in healthy pregnant women and in women with preeclampsia - a pilot study', BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 18: 445.
  6. Dennis, A. T., and M. Warren. 2018. 'Response letter to correspondence', Int J Obstet Anesth, 35: 111-12.
  7. Dennis, A.T. 2018b. 'Maternal cardiac output response to colloid preload and vasopressor therapy during spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section in patients with severe pre-eclampsia: a randomised, controlled trial', Obstetric Anesthesia Digest, 38: 174-75.
  8. ———. 2018c. 'Maternal Pulse Pressure and the Risk of Postepidural Complications: A Randomized Controlled Trial', Obstetric Anesthesia Digest, 38: 58-59.
  9. Griffiths, S. E., G. Waight, and A. T. Dennis. 2018. 'Focused transthoracic echocardiography in obstetrics', Bja Education, 18: 271-76.
  10. J.D., Griffiths., P.A.  Popham, and S.R. De Silva. 2018. 'Interventions for preventing hypothermia during caesarean delivery under regional anaesthesia', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
  11. Moroney, E., E. Posma, A. Dennis, Y. d'Udekem, R. Cordina, and D. Zentner. 2018. 'Pregnancy in a woman with a Fontan circulation: A review', Obstet Med, 11: 6-11.
  12. Tan, P., and A. T. Dennis. 2018. 'High flow humidified nasal oxygen in pregnant women', Anaesth Intensive Care, 46: 36-41.
  13. Warren, M. H., J. Kamania, and A. T. Dennis. 2018. 'Immediate birth - an analysis of women and their babies undergoing time critical birth in a tertiary referral obstetric hospital', Int J Obstet Anesth, 33: 46-52